A little about myself.
I am an IT technician, participate in many projects, some HTML work, and reading a lot. I also contribute articles to IT magazines about Open Source Software as a core member of Japan Apache Users Group. I've been in computer related fields from 1978. starting in college, nuclear physics major, I had to take a class in FORTRAN and that was it, I was hooked on the machines. I started working first as an application programmar at a system development
company. Then moved on to a system integration company, and specializing in data communication, small & mid size systems. I run a small intranet at home, a router, Windows Servers, Windows Desktops and CentOS Linux . The Linux runs DNS, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and POP3 making it nice for software testing and development.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

12th Mt. Takao hike

I went to Mt. Takao hiking area. It was 12th times this year, and for the first time in over one month. The weather was not very good. It was cloudy and stuffy. But I can't stand more.

This time I went to Mt. Jimba from Mt. Takao as follows.

Mt. Takao Station -> Mt. Takao -> Iccho-daira pass ->  Mt. Shiroyama -> Kobotoke pass -> Mt. Kagenobu -> Mt. Dodokoro -> Myoo pass -> Mt. Jimba -> Fujino Station

I started from Mt. Takao Station at 6:20 am.

Mt. Takao is very popular hiking area in Tokyo. Over one million people visit a year. You don't need special hiking goods. Many people get the top wear T-shirts, jeans, sneakers and with a  small backpack. But the trail from Mt. Takao to Mt. Jimba isn't so easy. There are a lot of ups and downs, especially Mt. Kagenobu trail is long and tough.

I reached the top of Mt. Jimba at 11:10 am. I ate three pieces of onigiri(rice ball) for lunch. Onigiri is very popular lunch dish in Japan.

I reached Fujino Station at 1:40 pm. It was 7 hours and 30 minutes. The distance is about 20 Km, 12.4 miles. It was a very good and enough distance for me.

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